Michael Schulze

hosted by PhD Presentation Day

"Enabling Semantic Invoices and Knowledge-Graph-Based Services in Purchase-To-Pay Processes"

Electronic invoices, which are part of purchase-to-pay processes, are increasingly adopted by enterprises and organizations. However, such data in the purchase-to-pay process domain can be very heterogenous, for example in terms of form but also in terms of vocabulary used by different stakeholders. Furthermore, in such inter-organizational processes, data is often fragmented in different data silos. Knowledge graphs can be a technology for harmonizing vocabulary used in such processes and in this way, they can be utilized for realizing assistants that are directly embedded into the workspace of a knowledge worker. This talk discusses on the one hand challenges and approaches for constructing knowledge graphs in the purchase-to-pay process domain, and it further discusses downstream applications to assist knowledge workers.

Time: Monday, 06.02.2023, 13:00

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